Job & Career Readiness

Financial stability is perhaps the most fundamental measure of independence.  Understandably, a key hallmark of adulting that parents focus on is the ability for their children to get and keep a job – as well as finding work that is fulfilling.

Our Job and Career Readiness bundle offers a soups-to-nuts approach to employment – both short and long term.

Figure Out What You Like

The Highland’s Assessment Battery identifies your psychological strengths and preferences and points the way to what to study and where to work so that your job/ career life will be most fulfilling.


Get the Guidance You Need to Move Forward

Job Coaching can help the young adult with ADHD/ ASD deal with what feels like a daunting task: organizing oneself to get a job. Depending on your specific situation, skills training can include:

  1. Self Care – getting regular sleep, getting up, grooming and getting out of the house

  2. Searching/ applying for jobs online

  3. Writing a resume

  4. Mastering the interview

  5. Communications on the job

  6. Advocacy for the neurodivergent brain at work

Integrate Neurodivergent-Specific Support

Our Executive Function Coaches/ Accountability Partners integrate the executive function, social skills, emotional regulation and cognitive flexibility needs of the young adult with ADHD, Executive Dysfunction and/or Asperger’s. Their high level of expertise with this population helps the young adult maintain the emotional resilience necessary to move ahead with the million-and-one tasks involved in getting a job and developing a fulfilling career path.


Help Maintain Employment

On-Site Job Coaches can support the young adult with ADHD and/or ASD deal with the communications and “politics” at work that can make employment challenging; and can reduce the challenges from time and organization issues that can impair work performance for ADHD brains.

We are here to help.

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we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.