Neurodiversity University

Explore. Expand. Excel.

There’s a lot to learn about how neurodivergent people experience the world.

If you’re a parent, educator or mental health professional, Thrive Emerge’s Neurodiversity University can meet that need – with self-paced, on-line courses, face-to-face trainings, support groups and individual consultations.

Let our team of highly specialized professionals build your foundational knowledge and skills - and make your journey with your neurodivergent partners just a bit easier and more productive. 

Scroll down for our current catalogue of products and services.  And stay tuned as we roll out a broad range of resources on “everything neurodivergent.” 


Our monthly support group for parents of neurodivergent teens and young adults provides opportunities for gathering information, learning skills and getting the perspectives of other parents on their journey with their kid’s transition to independence. These groups are a great jumping off point for parents beginning to explore better ways to manage the challenges of parenting these complex kids, as well as those looking for ongoing support for their efforts.

Sign up here for this month’s Free Parent Support Group!


Free 15-minute Consult/ Parent Toolkit

Got a parenting question that needs a little in-depth exploration? Start your parent toolkit with our free 15-minute consult.

Setup a free 15-minute consult with a Thrive Emerge staff member who has expertise with your particular challenge. Consults have covered everything from medication management to Executive Function coaching for more effective and empowered parenting. Great for starting to build some foundational skills around neurodivergence!

Sign up here!


Neurospicy: A Parent Empowerment Guide


Raising your neurodivergent teen or young adult (ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder) can be challenging. In Neurospicy, the Thrive Emerge clinical team offers a cohesive framework for parents to understand the roots of neurodivergence -- and to acquire the tools and tips for helping your neurodivergent kid succeed. With both practical advice and inspirational ideas, this booklet makes it easier for you to face your parenting challenges with resilience -- and a bit of patience for the long childrearing journey.

Order the book here!

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