College Transition + Success

College often marks the first time a young adult experiences independence. As they learn the ropes of their new community, they are responsible for managing their own time and staying organized – skills that are challenging for young adults with ADHD, executive dysfunction and/or ASD. 

Our College Transition and Success package supports your young adult with the skills required to do well in higher education. We provide assistance with applying for academic accommodations, managing semester course loads, and organizing assignments — to name a few.

If you young adult has been academically dismissed and is ready to return to college, we help guide them through the reenrollment/reinstatement process and provide ongoing support to ensure that they feel supported as they transition back to school. 

Academic Planning

We get to know your young adult and their abilities and challenges in order to provide guidance about their “next steps” — and help plan this next phase, whether it’s taking a gap year or attending vocational training, community college, or a four-year university.


Academic Accommodations

  1. Navigating disability support services on campus

  2. Applying for academic accommodations

  3. Creating an implementation plan to take advantage of accommodations

  4. Speaking with instructors about accommodations

  5. Identifying red flags early to avoid low/failing grades

Medication Management

Medications can play an important role in improving executive functioning, as well as the mood, anxiety and sleep issues that are often comorbid with ADHD.  Resolution of these symptoms leads to improved performance and increased quality of life at school, home and work.

We are here to help.

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we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.